
Select an African nation for your education abroad with Penn State in Ghana, Kenya, Senegal or South Africa.

Explore the culture, animals, food and language of a totally new environment. Find ways to make a difference in the world.

Programs in Africa
Country/CityProgram Sponsor University/ProgramSemester Offered
Legon CIEE: Legon, Arts and Sciences
Nairobi + others Learning Abroad Center: Kenya, Studies in International Development Fa/Sp/Yr
Rabat IES: Rabat, Study in Rabat Fa/Sp/Yr
Dakar + others Learning Abroad Center: Senegal, Studies in International Development Fa/Sp/Yr
South Africa
Cape Town CIEE: Cape Town, Arts and Sciences Fa/Sp/Yr
Cape Town (and 15 other locations outside Africa)

CIEE: Open Campus - Students choose two or three academic blocks, which are 6 weeks in length, in one or more of the locations offered. Not all city combinations are possible, use the CIEE "Design Your Study Abroad Experience" tool to learn more.

IB Minor by Petition Only. Please reach out to Vanessa Hausmann () to discuss.
