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General Information and Instructions

Business Core General information and instructions


Students who are currently enrolled in Business Core courses should review their course syllabi in Angel.

Contacting Your Professor

Please use the Smeal Directory to locate specific instructor contact information.

Questions regarding exam results should be taken up with one of the teaching assistants. The TA's will also conduct evening review sessions throughout the semester, and are available to answer your questions about concepts discussed in lectures.

What to do if...?

For both student and instructor convenience, please use the following guide:

Drop/Add Business Core Office, 202 Business Building
Examinations (scores, interpretations) Course Teaching Assistant
Examinations (scheduling issues)
Business Core Office, 202 Business Building
Course Procedures, Requirements Course Teaching Assistant
Business Core Office 202 Business Building, 814-865-CORE (814-865-2673)
Business Core Office Hours 8:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m., Monday - Friday
Make-up Exam Requests Business Core Office, 202 Business Building
Final Examination Overload Conflict Registrars Office; use eLion to file
Missed Lecture If instructor participates in podcasting, go to course Angel site to listen to podcast of missed lecture.
Questions about the Business Core Business Core Office, 202 Business Building, 814-865-CORE (814-865-2673)
Lost Penn State ID Card http://www.idcard.psu.edu/
ID Office hours: http://www.idcard.psu.edu/office/default.shtml

Computer Resources

You will need your PSU Access Account user ID and password to use any computer in the CAC Labs. For a complete list of computer labs, including normal operating hours, special hours and conditions, check the web site: http://clc.its.psu.edu/labs/

For further computer resource information, please see the specific course syllabus.

Student Registration Process

The student registration process at Penn State is a two-step process. First, students register for courses. Second, students complete their registration by payment of applicable tuition and fees. Students who have not completed their registration are clearly indicated on all forms of the class list, by the message: "Registration Not Complete". Faculty members are not obligated to provide instruction or administer assessment to these students. If you are in this status you should contact the Registrar's office immediately.

Academic Integrity

According to the Penn State Principles and University Code of Conduct

Academic integrity is a basic guiding principle for all academic activity at Penn State University, allowing the pursuit of scholarly activity in an open, honest, and responsible manner. In accordance with the University's Code of Conduct, you must not engage in or tolerate academic dishonesty. This includes, but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, fabrication of information or citations, facilitating acts of academic dishonesty by others, unauthorized possession of examinations, submitting work of another person, or work previously used without informing the instructor, or tampering with the academic work of other students.

Any violation of academic integrity will be investigated, and where warranted, punitive action will be taken. For every incident when a penalty of any kind is assessed, a report must be filed, using the pdf form at this URL: http://ugstudents.smeal.psu.edu/honor/honor. This form is used for both undergraduate and graduate courses. This report must be signed by both the instructor and the student, and then submitted to the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs (Gus Colangelo). Because of the unfortunate possibility of cheating taking place, the instructor reserves the right to administer disguised or different examinations.

Americans with Disabilities Act

The Smeal College of Business Administration welcomes persons with disabilities to all of its classes, programs, and events. If you need accommodations, or have questions about access to buildings where Smeal College activities are held, please contact us in advance of your participation or visit. If you need assistance during a class, program, or event, please contact the member of our faculty in charge. Access to Business Core business courses should be arranged by contacting the Smeal College Undergraduate Programs Office: 814-863-1947.

Affirmative Action & Sexual Harassment

The Pennsylvania State University is committed to a policy that all persons shall have equal access to programs, facilities, admission, and employment without regard to personal characteristics not related to ability, performance, or qualifications as determined by University policy or by Commonwealth or Federal authorities. Penn State does not discriminate against any person because of age, ancestry, color, disability or handicap, national origin, race, religious creed, gender, sexual orientation, or veteran status. Direct all inquiries to the Affirmative Action Office, 211 Willard Building.

An Invitation to Students with Learning Disabilities

It is Penn State's policy to not discriminate against qualified students with documented disabilities in its educational programs. If you have a disability-related need for modifications in your testing or learning situation, your instructor should be notified during the first week of classes so that your needs can be accommodated. You will be asked to present documentation from the Office of Disability Services (located in 116 Boucke Building, 863-1807) that describes the nature of your disability and the recommended remedy. You may refer to the Nondiscrimination Policy in the Student Guide to University Policies and Rules.

Contact Information

Business Core Office
Smeal College of Business
The Pennsylvania State University
202 Business Building
University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-CORE (814-865-2673)
Fax: 814-863-5475
E-mail: core@smeal.psu.edu