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Business Core Examination Procedures (E-Testing)

Business Core course exams E-Testing

Examination Procedures for Business Core Courses

  1. Format: All Business Core exams will take place in the University Testing Center (located in the Pollock Building), and will be administered on their computers.  The Business Core office reserves the right to use an alternate exam format.
  2. Exam information in Angel: For students currently enrolled in a Business Core course, each course in Angel has a folder under the Lessons tab called "Business Core Exam Information".  Please click on this folder to find specific information concerning Business Core exams.
  3. Exam Registration

    • Refer to the Business Core calendar or your course syllabus in Angel for specific exam dates.  Everyone in your class will take the exam on the same date (as marked on the calendar).  However, each student must individually register online for the actual time that they will take the exam.  Exam times will range from approximately 8am to 11pm.  

    • Exam registration usually opens two weeks prior to the exam date. You will receive an automated email from the Testing Center once the registration has officially opened.  You will not be able to register for a time slot until you receive the email.  The link for exam registration is:  https://clc.its.psu.edu/eTesting/Students/

    • In the event of two or more users sharing a computer to register for an exam, it is vital to close and completely exit the browser between users. Failure to do this will result in the previous user having their exam time overwritten.

    • Popular exam times fill quickly, so please register as early as possible to get the best choices of times.  Neither the Business Core Office nor the Testing Center can “override” anyone into a full exam time slot.  You can change your exam time (to another open slot) as often as you want up until the exam date. 

    • If you have a problem scheduling an open time slot, immediately contact the Business Core Office (located in 202 Business Building, phone 865-CORE). Failure to register for an exam, or not registering in a timely manner so as to avoid conflicts is not a valid reason for requesting a make-up exam.
  4. Testing Center Video: Before taking your first exam in the University Testing Center (Pollock Building), please watch this video, and then review the information on their website for important information concerning scheduling and taking exams in the Center.

  5. What to bring to exams:
  • Bring your Penn State Student ID and a #2 pencil to the examination site. Admission to the examination room will be controlled via a student ID card reader. You must physically have the PSU ID card with you at the exam site. If you do not have a PSU ID card, please go to the ID Office, 103 Hetzel Union Building (HUB), before the exam, to obtain a replacement PSU ID.
  • A calculator will be provided when needed. No other aids (e.g. personal calculator, dictionary) may be used during the exam. Exception: For FIN 301, students are allowed to bring their own non-programmable financial calculator to exams. For Finance exams, all calculators will be inspected by proctors before they can be taken into the exam room.
  • Having any electronic device (cell phone, ipod, etc.) visible in the exam room is an automatic violation of academic integrity.  Make sure all devices are turned off and put away prior to entering the exam room.
  • Make-up Exams:

    • Make-up examinations for Business Core exams will be permitted only for University-approved reasons (per University Faculty Senate Policy 42-27), and written documentation is required. Telephone consultation/e-mail alone is insufficient.
    • In the event of illness or exam day emergency, students should call or email the Business Core Office (814-865-2673; core@smeal.psu.edu).  Students should provide documentation and complete a make-up request form within 48 hours after the regularly scheduled exam. The Student Health Center will only provide a note for a severe illness lasting multiple days. For other illnesses, appointment information from the Student Health Center (date, time, who seen) may serve as documentation, as long as the student has given permission to the Health Center to release this information.
    • When a conflict is known in advance, the make-up exam request form should be filled out at the Business Core office and submitted with written documentation at least 48 hours prior to the regular examination date.
    • Overloads (3 or more exams in one day) are not considered a reason for a makeup exam for regular semester Business Core exams.  For overloads during final exam week, students should use eLion to report their overload, and the Registrars Office will make alternate exam accommodations for you.
    • All make-up exam requests and documentation will be reviewed, then approved or denied. Submitting the make-up exam request form does not guarantee approval for the make-up exam.
    • There are NO makeup exams for Business Core final exams.  Students should not schedule travel during final exam week.
    • Make-up exams are scheduled by the Business Core office, and are administered on one specific date and time as determined in advance by our office. The format of the make-up exam is up to the discretion of the course instructor. 

    • All Business Core makeup exam requests will handled by the Business Core Office, 202-B Business Building, 814-865-CORE (814-865-2673) core@smeal.psu.edu. Business Core students who contact their instructors or TA's concerning make-up exams should be referred to the Business Core office. 

    Note to students with disabilities: It is Penn State's policy to not discriminate against qualified students with documented disabilities in its educational programs. If you have a disability-related need for modifications in your testing situation, contact both the Business Core Office and the Office for Disability Services (located in 116 Boucke Building). The Business Core Office should be notified during the first week of classes so that your needs can best be accommodated within our procedures. You may refer to the Nondiscrimination Policy in the Student Guide to University Policies and Rules.
