Adviser Profiles
Profiles of Smeal undergraduate advisers
Below is a listing of advisers located in Smeal's Undergraduate Programs Office in 202 Business Building.
If you are a first-year student or a sophomore student at a campus other that University Park, you should refer to LionPATH to find out who your assigned adviser is on your campus.
To be a world leader in undergraduate business education by engaging, encouraging and empowering students
- Develop innovative approaches to facilitate student growth, engagement, and academic success in a united, principled, and inclusive environment
- Empower our team with equitable opportunity, life-long learning, and open communication in an adaptable and synergistic infrastructure
Smeal Advisers
- Advises undergraduate students regarding course scheduling, curriculum, major selection, study abroad, extra-curricular activities and internships.
- Coordinates and advises The Smeal Student Mentors.
- Meets with prospective students and their families and assists with other recruitment activities.
- Participates in the Spend A Summer Day (SASD) program and New Student Orientation (NSO).
- Responsible for the development, coordination, and implementation of programs and policies affecting the recruitment and retention of diversity students.
- Adviser to the Council Of Multicultural Organizations (Black Male Leadership Symposium, Multicultural Business Society, National Association of Black Accountants, National Hispanic Business Association, Women In Business).
- Advises undergraduate students regarding course schedules, study abroad, Academic Review, and inquiries into Smeal's major and minor requirements.
- PhD Workforce Education, Penn State University
- M.A. Education, Central Michigan University
- B.A. Sociology, Morehouse College
- Advises undergraduate students regarding course scheduling, curriculum, major selection, study abroad, extra curricular activities and internships.
- Meets with prospective students and their families and assists with other recruitment activities.
- Assists with New Student Orientation (NSO) and Spend a Summer Day (SASD).
- College Liaison to the Student Disability Resources Office.
- College representative to Admissions.
- M.A. Counseling Psychology, Towson University
- B.A. Psychology, The Pennsylvania State University
- Advises undergraduate students regarding course scheduling, curriculum, major selection, study abroad, extra-curricular activities and internships.
- Meets with prospective students and their families and assists with other recruitment activities.
- Participates in the Spend A Summer Day (SASD) program and New Student Orientation (NSO)
- Campus College Outreach Ambassador.
- M.Ed. Advanced Studies of Teaching and Learning, George Mason University
- School Library Media Education Certificate, George Mason University
- B.S. Secondary Education Social Studies, The Pennsylvania State University
- Directs and oversees advising and advising related programs in Smeal undergraduate Education.
- Advises undergraduate students regarding course scheduling, curriculum, major selection, study abroad, extra curricular activities, and internships.
- Manages administrative enrollment procedures for Smeal undergraduate students.
- Directs the programming and implementation of the Smeal Commencement Ceremony, Smeal Senior Awards, and Accepted Students Program (ASP).
- Meets with prospective students and their families and assists with other recruitment activities.
- Assists with New Student Orientation (NSO).
- College representative to University Advising Council
- Liaison to the Division of Undergraduate Studies (DUS).
- MBA, Marymount University
- B.S. Biology, The Citadel
- Advises undergraduate students regarding course scheduling, curriculum, major selection, study abroad, extra-curricular activities and internships.
- Meets with prospective students and their families and assists with other recruitment activities.
- Participates in Spend A Summer Day (SASD) program.
- Coordinates New Student Orientation (NSO).
- M.P.S. in Human Resources and Employment Relations
- B.A., Business, Universidad de Montevideo, Uruguay
- Directs and oversees advising for the Sapphire Leadership Program in Smeal Undergraduate Education.
- Advises undergraduate students regarding course scheduling, curriculum, major selection, study abroad, extra curricular activities, and internships.
- Meets with prospective students and their families and assists with other recruitment activities.
- Participates in the Spend A Summer Day program, Accepted Students Program, and NSO.
- M.S. Counselor Education, St. John’s University
- B.S. Pre-Law, St. John’s University
- Advises undergraduate students regarding course scheduling, curriculum, major selection, study abroad, extra curricular activities and internships.
- Meets with prospective students and their families and assists with other recruitment activities.
- Assists with New Student Orientation (NSO) and Spend a Summer Day (SASD).
- MBA, St. Mary’s College of California
- B. A., Journalism, San Francisco State University
- Directs and oversees advising and advising-related programs in Smeal Undergraduate Education.
- Advises undergraduate students regarding course scheduling, curriculum, major selection, study abroad, extracurricular activities, and internships.
- Directs programming and implementation of Smeal Ethical Leadership Challenge (SELC), the Smeal Student Mentors, and Campus College Outreach activities, including the Ambassador Program, Link UP, and Change of College Meeting.
- Meets with prospective students and their families in addition to assisting with other recruitment activities.
- Assists with New Student Orientation (NSO).
- M.Ed. Counselor Education, The Pennsylvania State University
- B.S. Psychology, The Pennsylvania State University
- Advises Diversity Scholars and the undergraduate students regarding course scheduling, curriculum, major selection, study abroad, extra-curricular activities, and internships.
- Meets with prospective students and their families and assists with other recruitment activities in conjunction with Undergraduate Education and the Multicultural Outreach Office in Admissions.
- Works closely with student support offices such as the Multicultural Resource Center, the Paul Robeson Cultural Center, Student Disability Resources, the Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity and the Office of Scholars Programs to connect students with the appropriate resources.
- Collaborates with the members of the Administrative Council on Multicultural Affairs (ACMA) and the Council of College Multicultural Leadership (CCML) to develop and implement programs and curricula for the recruitment and retention of traditionally underrepresented students.
- Member of the Safer People, Safer Places Network for the LGBTQ+ community at Penn State completing the Foundations, Advanced and, Transgender and Gender Inclusion 101 workshops.
- M.A. Higher Education Administration, University of Nebraska -- Lincoln
- B.S. Organizational Leadership, minors in Labor and Employment Relations and Sociology, The Pennsylvania State University
- Advises undergraduate students regarding course scheduling, curriculum, major selection, study abroad, extra-curricular activities and internships.
- Coordinates the Campus College Outreach Programs.
- Assists with New Student Orientation (NSO).
- Meets with prospective students and their families and assists with other recruitment activities.
- M.Ed. Counselor Education, The Pennsylvania State University
- B.A. Cultural Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University
- Advises undergraduate students regarding course scheduling, curriculum, major selection, study abroad, extra-curricular activities and internships. ·
- Meets with prospective students and their families and assists with other recruitment activities.
- Coordinates Spend A Summer Day (SASD) program.
- Assists with New Student Orientation (NSO).
- M.B.A., The Johns Hopkins University
- B.A., History, St. Mary’s College of Maryland
- Advises undergraduate students regarding course scheduling, curriculum, major selection, study abroad, extra curricular activities, and internships.
- Assists with New Student Orientation (NSO).
- Meets with prospective students and their families and assists with other recruitment activities.
- M. Ed. Counselor Education, The Pennsylvania State University
- B.S. Psychology, Clarion University of Pennsylvania
- Advises undergraduate students regarding course scheduling, curriculum, major selection, study abroad, extra curricular activities, and internships.
- Assists with New Student Orientation (NSO).
- Meets with prospective students and their families and assists with other recruitment activities.
- M. Ed. Educational Leadership, The Pennsylvania State University
- B.A. Public Relations, The Pennsylvania State University
- Directs and oversees advising and advising related programs in Smeal Undergraduate Education.
- Advises undergraduate students regarding course scheduling, curriculum, major selection, study abroad, extracurricular activities and internships.
- Advises Schreyer Honors Scholars and coordinates academic programming.
- Liaison to the Smeal community across all campus locations.
- College Eligibility Contact for the Morgan Academic Support Center for Student Athletes.
- Presents informational sessions for first-year students, prospective students and families.
- Meets with and presents information sessions for students and advisers across all campus locations.
- Assists with New Student Orientation (NSO).
- M. Ed. Adult Education, The Pennsylvania State University
- B. S. Marketing, The Pennsylvania State University
- Advises undergraduate students regarding course scheduling, curriculum, major selection, study abroad, extra-curricular activities and internships.
- Assists with New Student Orientation (NSO).
- Coordinates marketing and communication efforts for Smeal Undergraduate Education.
- M.Ed. Higher Education, Institutional Research Certificate, The Pennsylvania State University
- B.A. Journalism, The Pennsylvania State University
- Advises undergraduate students regarding course scheduling, curriculum, major selection, study abroad, extra curricular activities, and internships.
- Meets with prospective students and their families and assists with other recruitment activities.
- Coordinates New Student Orientation (NSO).
- M.A. Counseling Psychology, Towson University
- B.A. Psychology, Elizabethtown College
- Advises undergraduate students regarding course scheduling, curriculum, major selection, study abroad, extra curricular activities, and internships.
- Meets with prospective students and their families and assists with other recruitment activities.
- M.S. Ed. Special Education, State University of New York (SUNY), College at Cortland
- M.S. Ed. Counselor Education, Alfred University
- B.S. Physical Education Teaching K-12, Ithaca College
- Advises undergraduate students regarding course scheduling, curriculum, major selection, study abroad, extra-curricular activities and internships.
- Meets with prospective students and their families and assists with other recruitment activities.
- Coordinates Spend a Summer Day (SASD).
- Assists with New Students Orientation (NSO).
- MBA, Fairmont State University
- B.A. Journalism, The Pennsylvania State University
- Direct and oversee advising and advising related programs in Smeal undergraduate education.
- Advises undergraduate students regarding course scheduling, curriculum, major selection, study abroad, extra curricular activities, and internships.
- PSU 006 First-Year Business Seminar instructor.
- Conducts various presentations across campus for First-Year Smeal Students, Upper division Smeal Students, and Prospective Students.
- Assists with New Student Orientation (NSO).
- M.Ed. Higher Education, The Pennsylvania State University
- B.A. Psychology, Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania
- Advises undergraduate students regarding course scheduling, curriculum, major selection, study abroad, extra-curricular activities and internships.
- Assists with New Student Orientation (NSO).
- M.Ed. Counselor Education, The Pennsylvania State University
- B.A. Psychology, The Pennsylvania State University
- Advises undergraduate students regarding course scheduling, curriculum, major selection, study abroad, extra-curricular activities and internships.
- Meets with prospective students and their families and assists with other recruitment activities.
- Assists with New Student Orientation (NSO) and Spend a Summer Day (SASD).
- M.Ed. Higher Education, The Pennsylvania State University
- B.A. Business Administration, University of the West of England