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Grading Options 2020 to 2021

Grading options during COVID varied by the semester the grade was earned. Find the correct information about alternative grading as it relates to Smeal students.

Smeal and Smeal Bound Student FAQ for COVID 19 Grading Policy

Grading policies during COVID varied depending on the semester the grade was earned. Choose the appropriate page below to get specific information.

FAQ for Spring 2020 Grading Options (COVID-19)

FAQ for Fall 2020 Grading Options (COVID-19)

FAQ for Spring 2021 Grading Options (COVID-19)

Spring 2020 Credit Acquisition Policy

*Note this policy is only for credits obtained during the Spring 2020 semester.* 

 Due to the unprecedented situation, Penn State University and the Smeal College of Business have approved credit acquisition with satisfactory/unsatisfactory (SA/UN) grades).   Instead of receiving a letter grades for courses taken in the Spring 2020 semester only, students will have the OPTION of replacing that letter grade with an alternative grade that will not be included in your GPA calculation.  The alternative grades are: 

  • SAT (Satisfactory): This grade will be available if you earn a C or better in a course.  A course with a SAT grade can be used to meet all C or better requirements, including entrance to major and prerequisites. 

  • V (Pass): This grade will available if you earn a D in a course and will be considered a passing grade.  You will earn credits for the course, and a V grade can be used to meet degree requirements for which D is an acceptable grade. 

  • Z (No Grade): This grade will be available if you earn an F in a course.  Z can be used to replace an F grade and will be treated similar to a Late Drop (LD).