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Previous Recipients of the Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching

Previous Recipients of the Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching for the Smeal College of Business

The Fred Brand, Jr., Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching past recipients:

1972-73 Roger Pfaffenberger
1973-74 Robert Pitts
1974-75 Benjamin Henzey
1975-76 John Coyle
1976-77 Milton Bergstein
1977-78 John Coyle
1978-79 Joseph Cavinato
1979-80 Joseph Bradley
1980-81 No Award
1981-82 Stewart Bither
1982-83 Edward Reutzel
1983-84 Milton Bergstein
1984-85 Joseph Cavinato
1985-86 Michael Bougon
1986-87 John Coyle
1987-88 John Coyle
1988-89 Benjamin Henzey
1989-90 Dennis Gioia
1990-91 Charles Smith
1991-92 Jeffery Sharp
1992-93 James B. Thomas
1993-94 Robert Novack
1994-95 Holly Lewis
1995-96 Lisa Williams Walton
1996-97 Benjamin Henzey
1997-98 Andrew Bergstein
1998-99 Charles Smith
1999-2000 Jeffery Sharp
2000-01 Abdullah Yavas
2001-02 Charles Smith
2002-03 Augustus Colangelo
2003-04 Jack Stevens
2004-05 Karl Muller
2005-06 Norman Aggon
2005-06 David Huff
2005-06 Jeffrey Sharp
2008-09 Deborah Ettington
2009-10 Louis Gattis
2010-11 Terrance Guay
2011-12 Ron Gebhardtsbauer
2012-13 Ben Lansford
2013-14 Felisa Preciado
2014-15 Not awarded
2015-16 Dave Winterich