Home > Events > November 2013 > Excel Workshops with Johnson and Johnson

Excel Workshops with Johnson and Johnson

When Nov 11, 2013
from 06:30 PM to 09:00 PM
Where 113 IST Building
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Need to learn Excel for an upcoming internship, co-op or full time job?

Come join Johnson & Johnson for Excel training throughout the semester.  Workshops will be open to students of all years/majors.

Session will be held on the following dates:

October 16th – Beginner Excel Workshop (8 PM to 9 PM) - 113 IST

·Topics include: General Navigation & Basic Formatting

October 30th – Intermediate Excel Workshop (8 to 9 PM) - 113 IST

·Topics include: Sorting, Sub-Totaling and V-H Look Ups

November 11th - Advanced Excel Workshop (6:30 PM to 9 PM) – 113 IST

·Topics include: Pivot Tables and Macros

Space will be limited, so please RSVP to JNJatPSU@gmail.com to reserve your spot. 

Filed under: Career Events