Home > Events > March 2014 > Project Managment Seminar (w/ case study) hosted by Bechtel

Project Managment Seminar (w/ case study) hosted by Bechtel

When Mar 17, 2014
from 05:30 PM to 08:00 PM
Where 122 Business Building
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Led by Jeffrey Brightman, President, Bechtel Fossil Power.

Dinner will be served.  MUST RSVP in Smeal Connect.  Participation limited to 20 students.


Topics to include: description of typical power project, project phases, evolving project complexity, organizational approach to project execution, the role of the project manager, and career progression in project management.  A case study group project will be included.


Jeffrey Brightman, a Bechtel principal vice president, is president of Bechtel’s Fossil Power business line. In this capacity he is responsible for strategy; marketing and business development; engineering, procurement, and construction execution; customer satisfaction; and profitability for solid fuel, natural gas, Integrated Water and Power, IGCC, emissions retrofit, and biomass market sectors. Over a 27-year career, Mr. Brightman has held project execution positions in project management, project development, construction, field engineering, and startup on a wide range of power generation and retrofit projects. Prior to his current position, he was project director of the Trimble County Unit 2 power plant project, a 760 MW supercritical pulverized-coal-fired generating facility in Kentucky. Other key roles have included manager of Operations, Fossil Power; and manager of Global Fossil Marketing and Business Development. Mr. Brightman’s success in senior managerial roles and keen understanding of project management and development are complemented by extensive Six Sigma training in identifying, driving, and achieving process improvements that result in cost savings and increased customer partnering. Mr. Brightman obtained a Bachelor of Sciences degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Masters of Management degree from Penn State University.


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