Home > Events > February 2014 > KPMG Snowtubing and Networking Event

KPMG Snowtubing and Networking Event

When Feb 06, 2014
from 07:15 PM to 10:00 PM
Where Tussey Mountain
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Immediately following the Info Session, the annual KPMG Networking & Snow Tubing Event will be held at Tussey Mountain. Bus transportation will be provided from the Business Building at 7:15 p.m. and food & beverages will be served at the lodge.

Bus transportation will be provided back to campus at the conclusion of the snow tubing event. This is an opportunity to network with KPMG professionals and Penn State students that have participated in KPMG’s Leadership Programs, Internships & more. You do not have to participate in Snow Tubing to attend.

Please RSVP with Becca Miceli
by Thursday, January 30. Spaces are limited.

Visit www.kpmgcampus.com to learn more about KPMG and our career opportunities! Contact Becca Miceli (rmiceli@kpmg.com) with any questions

Filed under: Career Events